Allah, the Only Creator (Q 6 v 102). He created humans and gave them LIVER, which He imbibed with the ability to perform more than 250 operations simultaneously. It is capable of disarming both known and unknown enemies as well as enemies that parade as friends. If not for what Allah enabled the liver to be capable of doing, the way humans routinely insult their bodies, they would not have been able to stay alive for one minute! Is Allah not magnificent in His creations!
If all these are within the purview of Nigerian politicians, every living Nigerian will perish within minutes. See how every other thing in the country was abandoned in the run up to presidential primaries across all the political parties. National electricity grid collapsed and parties were trading faults instead of proffering solution!
Allah is looking at all of them and at appointed time will deal with them as appropriate (Q 2 v 281). Allah’s ONLY demand from us is to worship Him (Q 17 v 54). If we do so, we may be qualified for His Mercy (Q 1 v 3)
Still on the liver. It is the largest internal organ in humans and as ordained by Allah, its Maker, is the main chemical factory of the body (Q 82 v 6 – 8), where all manners of consumed materials are processed for the wellbeing of the body. Useless ones are pushed to the dustbin (spleen, colon, etc) while useful ones are sent to where needed. Variety of chemical compounds are routinely assembled as needed and where need is satisfied, such materials are also broken down.
Because of these every second engagement, the liver is well supplied with blood so that products can be distributed round the body real time. But because humans are ingrates, they overwork the liver as a result of indiscriminate consumption of junks (Q 5 v 3) which may lead to early liver cell death. Since we can not survive without healthy liver, is it not reasonable that we avoid junks and consume halal materials as dictated by Islam (Q 23 v 19). In this is our wellbeing.
Prof. Akanji’s recent Friday messages