Home News AREMU, MINILS DG Hails President Tinubu on new Minimum and Living wages.

AREMU, MINILS DG Hails President Tinubu on new Minimum and Living wages.

Drums support for Renewed Hope Agenda, through Mass Decent Work and Industrial Harmony in 2024

The Director-General of Michael Imoudu National Institute for LABOUR Studies (MINILS), Ilorin, Comrade Issa AREMU has hailed President Bola Tinubu for the “categorical presidential commitment” to a new minimum and living wage in 2024.

In his New Year Address to the nation, President Tinubu had disclosed that in the new year the “material well-being of the poor, the most vulnerable and the working people shall not be neglected”. He added that his administration will “implement a new national living wage for our industrious workers” of Nigeria.

In his reaction on a New Year statement, issued in Ilorin,Comrade AREMU commended the President for his commitment to wage-led growth strategy, economic recovery and poverty eradication through payment of adequate living wages in 2024.

He said the President was “on point” to declare wage improvement as “not only good economics” but as “a morally and politically correct thing to do”. The Director General called on states and local governments, employers of labour and organized labour to align with vision of President Tinubu in making “2024 a year of mass secured, productive Decent Work in conditions of human dignity, healthy environment, with negotiated adequate promptly paid minimum and living wages ”. He decried what he called a state of “ total collapse of wage income due to low devalued and delayed salary payment that has turned workers into what he called “ working beggars” as distinct from “dignified value adding work force”.

Comrade AREMU recalled that 2024 expected tripartite wage negotiations would be the 6th of such national minimum wage review since 1981, (N125) 1990, (N250) 2000, (N5,500) 2011 (N18000) and 2018 ( N30,000) noting that it was remarkable that the President commendably acknowledged the reality of high costs of living and inflation caused by inevitable petroleum subsidy removal adding that , the President has rightly stage set the stage for robust constructive collective bargaining for new wage review in line with Nigeria’s labour laws and relevant conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) .

Comrade Aremu said the pronouncement on wage improvement further points to “President TINUBU’s labour- friendly disposition dated to his presidential campaign council in which he dedicated a Directorate to labour, the only Presidential candidate to do so.”

The Director General Comrade AREMU said the bane of Nigeria’s development process in recent times was non-appreciation of Human Resources as the critical factor of sustainable National Development. “

“ Labour truly creates national wealth but labour must be promptly well paid, motivated, assured of income security after retirement as well as disciplined and skilled through training and retraining” he said. The statement said the success of the Renewed Hope 8-point Agenda of President Tinubu dealing with poverty eradication, economic growth, job creation and fighting corruption depends on motivated millions of workers in formal and informal sectors, private and public sectors.

He commended the 10th National Assembly leadership for improving on the budget of the “premier Federal Ministry of Labour and employment” adding that budgetary allocations must tally with the vision of the President on combating the scourge of youth unemployment and underemployment.

MINILS DG in the new year message also commended the  minister of state for labour and employment, Barr. Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, for her bold sanctions against private companies and employers that disregarded occupational health and safety standards of workers in the world of work in 2023. He promised labour education on occupational health and safely in MINILS 2024 training calendar.

In a related development, the Director General has urged the staff and management of MINILS to intensify labour education in line with the targets and deliverables set by Ministry of Labour and Productivity in ensuring the 8-point Renewed Hope agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in the new year. While there are challenges for all MDAs occasioned by low budget, comrade Aremu called on the staff to ensure value for the present improved welfare, two years consecutive bonus payment, provision of lap tops, solar power supply, renovated offices, clean environment and class rooms, hostels renovations, clinic, good access road and sport facilities improvement among others. While reiterating management commitment to improving staff welfare he warned against endemic lateness to work, assets theft, casual absenteeism without permission other forms of indiscipline such as “misguided unionism”failing which he said there will be sanctions in 2024 based on exact public service rules.



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