It is heartwarming and with immense enthusiasm to have you introduced to ‘HIGH PROFILE‘. It is an online publication whose main focus is to educate, enlighten and duly inform members of the public, particularly the social media-inclined heterogeneous audiences, about the life and times of renowned personalities, institutions, and notable communities.
HIGH PROFILE is carefully designed and programmed to give current generation sense of directions. It is for all humans, a new dimension in living a worthy life following the exemplary lives of selected celebrated personalities in the country. The inspiring stories of persons who had made indelible marks in their various chosen careers remain fertile grounds to tap nuggets for facing challenges. The platform is an avenue to record the many life-changing experiences for posterity.
OBJECTIVE; The fundamental objective of HIGH PROFILE is to present detailed histories, achievements, ‘success stories’ and ‘failure stories’ of notable personalities (dead and living) as well as provide detailed information about institutions, cities, and communities in our society.
In achieving this objective, profiles of selected personalities in Nigeria are collated in both written and visual forms for people to have access to their way of life. Detailing ‘the good’, ‘the bad’ and ‘the ugly’ sides of these personalities would give current generation and the posterity directions and needed motivations in achieving ‘greatness’ in their legitimate pursuits.
Aside from profiling important personalities, institutions and communities; the platform also engages in the dissemination of information about trending issues in our social space as well as critical analysis of contemporary socio-economic and political issues in our society.
Specifically, issues bordering on education, health, politics, crime, and criminality, among others, will be subjects of critical discussions from diverse perspectives. Interestingly, the platform assures you that the analysis of these fundamental societal issues would be objective and balanced. The platform promises to be educative, appealing and useful for the progress and advancement of Nigerian society and beyond.