Home Education Read the Essential functions of Red Blood Cells

Read the Essential functions of Red Blood Cells

“Allah, the Almighty, our Creator (Q 2 v 21). He created us and gave us Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells) that lives for about 120 days, during which period, it travels a distance of approximately 280 km (approximate distance from Ilorin to Lagos; Jos to Zaria; Kaduna to Kano), through various systems of tubes in our body.

Allah, the All Knowing, also assign the erythrocytes the duty of transporting Oxygen from where it is abundant to wherever it is needed, and wastes from all over the body where they are produced to the ‘dustbin’ from where they are sent out of the body (Q 55 v 13).

After the 120 days, the Red Cells die, and new ones are produced. Who else can ensure such order except Allah, who created them in the first instance (Q 71 v 13)! Man in his folly undertake actions that destroy his Red Cells prematurely before its 120 day life span, but cannot cause new ones to be produced. So, there is shortage of Red Cells. Oxygen is not adequately distributed and wastes are not fully evacuated, resulting in various pathological conditions. Fear Allah in every way and obey His commands, so that life will become easy for you (Q 19 v 72)”

“The total number of Erythocytes (red blood cells) in humans is estimated to be about 25 Trillion (25,000,000,000), out of which about 2.5 Million are destroyed every second but are replaced with new ones produced at another location in the body.

The automatic destruction of erythrocyte after its 120 days life span leaves a lot of debris (broken cell parts) along the blood vessels, which if not removed real time, will block further free flow of blood to every part of the body with attendant disruption of life processes. Allah in His Mercy provided SPLEEN, which sieves and remove all the debris from blood constantly, thereby purifying it, so it could continue to perform its duty (Q 3 v 191).

Is Allah not Merciful to His creations! Improve your gratitude by worshipping Allah fervently (Q 3 v 92). Reciprocate Allah’s Mercy by showing mercy to other Creations of Allah that are not as lucky as you are (Q 107 v 1- 7)”


“Sickness! What is sickness? Why do people become sick? There are more than one billion (1,000,000,000) reactions taking place in the human body simultaneously. All these reactions are not seen by the naked eyes but are felt whenever they go wrong.

In some instances, thousands of such reactions will go wrong and the body will not even notice, while in some others, only ONE misstep, and the whole organism will go down and may even lead to death. Allah, our Creator, made it such that what is good for some people is poison to others (Q 10 v 56).

For example, while some people can eat carbohydrate several times a day without any problem, it is poison to others and can even lead to their death. Is Allah not magnificent in His creation (Q 2 v 107)!

Since we are not in control of what is happening in our body, the only thing left for us is to strive to do good always in order to show appreciation to Allah, our Creator, and thereby qualify for His Mercy (Q 2 v 110).

Professor Musbau Adewumi Akanji is a Professor of Biochemistry. He currently works at the Kwara State University


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