Court restrains IBEDC from disconnecting UNIOSUN Teaching Hospital electricity

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The management of UNIOSUN Teaching Hospital, Osogbo has secured an injunction against the Osogbo branch of the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company (IBEDC) from disconnecting the electricity supply to the hospital.

This, according to the hospital followed the bogus and unjustifiable monthly bills often brought to the state owned hospital.

The Board chairman of the hospital, Barrister Niyi Owolade narrated several mediation steps the authorities of the teaching hospital had taken in order to ensure that the development did not degenerate to a face off.

Owolade said the management of the hospital took the decision due to the incessant threats by IBEDC to disconnect the elctricity supply to the hospital and put the lives of many of the patients on life support in danger.

He disclosed that Justice Oyebiyi granted the hospital an experte order restraining IBDEC from disconnecting the elctricity supply.

The court gave the interim injunction restraining the defendant or servants, agents, workers, representatives or otherwise and other persons delivering authority through it, from carrying out the disconnection directives forthwith.

By the order of the court, IBEDC is restrained from disconnecting any of the transformers supplying UNIOSUN Teaching Hospital, Osogbo power.

The matter is to be heard on 3rd of July when the case would be mentioned.

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