Eid-el Fitr: Eburu felicitates with Muslim faithfuls

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Frontline traditional ruler in Osun State, the Eburu of Iba, Oba (Prof) Adekunle Adeogun Okunoye Oyedeji 11 has rejoiced with Muslims on the occasion of this year’s Eid-el Fitr which marks the end of the 30 days Ramadan fast.

The monarch specifically rejoiced with Muslim ummah in Iba and pray Almighty Allah to accept their fasting as acts of ibadah.

He urged Muslims to shun all sinful acts that they abstained from during the Ramadan period and continue to live righteously.

He also seized the occasion to enjoin all indigenes of Iba both at home and in the diaspora to participate actively in the forthcoming census exercise which holds in May, this year.

Oba Okunoye called on the residents and indigenes of the town to mobilize their wards during the exercise as there are benefits to derive in the headcount.

He said the town stands a better chance in terms of infrastructural development if people turn out largely for the census exercise as it will be used as yardstick for government’s developmental projects.

For the town to enjoy more development and also attracts government attention, Eburu said the census results must be favourable and therefore urged all and sundry to see the exercise as a call for communal development.

While rejoicing with Muslims on the successful completion of the Ramadan, Oba Okunoye urged them not to relent in their prayers and sacrifices for the development and progress of Iba

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