I’ll sustain Prof. Akanbi’s legacies- KWASU Ag. VC

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By Is’haq Babatunde 

The Acting Vice Chancellor of the Kwara State University (KWASU), Prof. Shaykh Lukman Jimoh has pledged to consolidate on the good legacies laid by the late Vice Chancellor,  Professor Muhammed Mustapha Akanbi SAN. 

Prof. Jimoh also revealed his plan to constitute Town and Gown committee that will see to the requests, concerns and agitations of the  University’s host communities to foster mutually beneficial relationship between the institution and the communities where the University is domicile. 

The Acting Vice Chancellor disclosed this on Thursday  (January 5, 2023) while receiving the leadership of Malete Community Development Association, led by its President, Alhaji Muhammad Rasaq Adebayo, at the University  Council Chamber, Malete.

” I will try my best to sustain the good legacy of late Prof. Muhammed Mustapha Akanbi SAN. I will do everything humanly possible to toe his path of good leadership style”.

“Prof. Akanbi’s two and half years as the Vice Chancellor witnessed rapid development and worldclass academic culture, one can imagine how he would have transformed KWASU if he was able to complete his five years tenure, but we thank God that he lived a fulfilled life worthy of emulation” Prof. Jimoh added.

Talking about the need to constitute “the Community/Institution Committee”, the University helmsman,  expressed optimism that the emergence of that initiative would create avenue for fruitful partnership between the University and the communities. 

He thanked them for paying the University condolence visit and for wishing him well in his new assignment, just as he pledged to sustain all the existing mutual relationships between the University and Malete community.

Earlier in his address, Alhaji Ibrahim Abiodun Ali who is a member of the KWASU Governing Council, commiserated with the University community over the demise of the late Vice Chancellor, Prof. Akanbi, describing his death as a colossal loss not only to the University but also to humanity in general.

He hinted that their visit was basically to commiserate with the University, congratulate the  Acting Vice Chancellor and to express their unflinching support to the University management. 

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