Ramadan Da’awah: MIF visits hospital, prison

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By Is’haq Babatunde

In continuation of her ongoing annual Ramadan Da’awah and visitations, the Ma’assalam Islamic Foundation (MIF), a charitable organization founded by late Hon. Justice Mustapha Akanbi, has donated cartons of milk to patients at Sobi Specialist Hospital, Alagbado area, Ilorin.

The foundation also paid a visit to the inmates at Okekura Prison Yard, Ilorin, where food items like rice and cartons of milk were also presented to the inmates.

Receiving the items on behalf of the Hospital, the Chief Medical Director (CMD) of Sobi Specialist Hospital, Dr Salamat Isiaq Lawal thanked the foundation for her annual support to the patients and the entire workforce of the hospital.

Dr Lawal, who acknowledged the frequent donations of MIF to the hospital, said the power inverter donated to the hospital in 2012 by MIF to chusion the effect of power supply in the hospital has been very helpful and supportive.

She prayed God to grant the founder of the foundation, late Justice Mustapha Akanbi, an eternal rest, pointing out that the power inverter, wheel chairs and other related equipment as well as food items donated by late Justice Mustapha Akanbi cannot be forgotten in a hurry by the benefitting patients, staff and management of the hospital.

While identifying power and water as two major challenges confronting the smooth running of the hospital, Dr Lawal called on spirited individuals and corporate orgaineations in the state to take a cue from Justice Mustapha Akanbi’s service to God and humanity in the interest of peace, harmony and prosperity in our society.

Receiving the MIF team at the Okekura Prison Yard, the Director of Social Welfare in the Prison, Mr Yunusa Soliu Arowona commended the foundation for sustaining the late Justice Mustapha Akanbi’s legacy of charity and spirit of showing love and affection to all, irrespective of backgrounds or status.

In his lecture at the prison, the MIF Imam, Alfa Mahamud Issa, admonished the inmates to accept their fate and consider their present situation as being ordained by God.

Alfa Issa urged them to take solace in God saying that no condition is permanent, with an assurance that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The cleric urged them not to lose hope just as he cited Prophet Yusuf (AW), former President Olusegun Obasanjo and late Nelson Mandela as good examples of those that were hitherto in captivity in the early part of their life and later miraculously became the corner stones in their respective countries.

In his remarks, the coordinator of MIF, Mallam Ally Toyin hinted that this year marked the first Ramadan Da’awah visitation to be performed after the demise of the founder, late Hon. Justice Mustapha Akanbi who died on June 3rd, 2018 which was 18th of 2018 Ramadan.

Mallam Toyin revealed that the foundation had earlier visited some communities and villages, saying that this year’s Ramadan Da’awah would be brought to a close with a special prayer on 1st of June, 2019 at Munfa’atu Aduke Akanbi Central Mosque, GRA, Iloin, to commemorate one year of the departure of late Hon. Justice Akanbi from this world.


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